Friday, January 29, 2010

Making boards can feel bittersweet. I Spent today sanding which is probably my least favourite process making the boards. It can be monotonous and its always dirty and dusty. And it really was great to dust off this afternoon and leave the factory.
Creating surfboards is a dirty, fumy process. You have to deal with unsavoury chemicals and toxins. I'm sure its not good for my health and I spend most hours of my day with a respirator on. If it was anything other than surfboards I don't think I could do it.
Each step making a board is challenging and has its skill sets necessary to bring that step to completion. And if you make a mistake you can wreck the board. Despite all this, the creative process involved with shaping, glassing (especially tints and pigments) and even bringing back the form during the sanding process is rewarding and satisfying... And then I guess the best thing is riding the finished form.
Sometimes I get a bit upset at the dust, fumes and chemicals but then I realise how much I love making boards and how lucky I really am.
Above pics: Angela Raab
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Quiver Shot
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I guess the general idea of fishes is that they are pulled out and riden when the waves are small and mushy. As you may have seen from either watching the promos,viewing the blogs or maybe even just from being out in the water we ride them all the time, big and pumpng or tiny and guttless. We've been developing them to draw long lines like a fish but also turn tight when needed. I guess you could say that we have been having alot of fun.
Pic by Tom Woods
Slowing Down

I've had our showroom (above pics) open over the Christmas/New Year break which has been cool. Quite a few people have dropped in to buy a Valla T-Shirt and check out the boards. If you've dropped by thanks very much!
It's finally slowed down so I now I'm back out in the factory making a start on the orders which have been slowly building up. It was nice to get back up in my shaping room this morning... happy days.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Gabe Roxburgh Stayed At My House
So for the last week Gabe Roxburgh has been staying at my house.
We have been up to all sorts of things.
Surfing very bad surf, skating, a trip to Crescent Head.
Here is one of the first small videos for your viewing pleasure.
It includes 14 yr old shredder Jack Germain.
I think Gabe is pretty talented for a 16 yr old.
More to come, so stay tuned.A Week Well Spent: Jack Lynch x Jack Germain from Gabe Roxburgh on Vimeo.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
New Vector for Patagonia

Here's some shots of a new Vector I just finished for the Patagonia store in Torquay. The Vector's are quite challenging to make - being stringerless I put the rocker into the board during the glassing stage and also the double-square edge rail is time consuming to sand and fair up. I have been having a ball riding mine so I just hope whoever ends up with this board has a great experience riding and learning about the board. If you happen to find yourself in Torquay drop in and take a look...
Thanks to the guys at TCSS for their help - Jim Mitchell with the inspiration for the colourway and Ben Waters who designed the Vector logo for me. I appreciate it guys.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Peter Connelly at Jeffrey's Bay 70's

The top shot is of Peter Connelly at Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa in the 70's. What a beautiful wave and great style and positioning from Peter. His board in the shot is 7'10" x 18" wide which my dad Paul Joske made for him at the time. Peter was one of Dad's early friends and they travelled together through South Africa. Dad's got the shot up in our shed and it's one of his favourites - I think it takes him back to those times.
Dad looked out the original template for the board a while back, which as you can see he made out of sheets of cardboard. I love the outline... like a slender spear. Very interesting. I would love to ride one.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Brett & Jack

These are are my good friends and teamriders, Brett Caller and Jack Lynch. They both have blogs so check out what they've been up to at http://kookinstuff.blogspot.com/ & http://brett-caller.blogspot.com/.
Pics: Angela Raab
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Log Ride

All pics Patrick Trefz.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
TCSS Online Store

My good friends over at the Critical Slide Society now have their very cool store up and running. Apparently there were a few teething problems to begin with but all is well now. Check it out at http://www.thecriticalslidesociety.com/shop/
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Twin Keel Verve
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Eleven Heaven
Friday, January 15, 2010
Underwater Shots of Kumu by Andrew Kidman
It was nice to catch up with Andrew Kidman last year before he went to New York. We went for a surf at very average Dbah where he took some sweet underwater shots of my 8'6" kiko'o style board called Kumu. I really enjoy riding this board and i've noticed how Kumu seems to come alive in bigger more powerful waves, the curved bottom and rails creating suction and hold, allowing me control. I've ridden my 8'9" alaia in similar waves and in comparison I feel like I'm holding on by my toe-nails and largely out of control.
It was really interesting for me to see the interaction between the water, and the hull and rails in Andrew's shots. It's nice to put the underwater visuals to the feelings I get when Kumu locks into the curl and sucks to the wave.
It was really interesting for me to see the interaction between the water, and the hull and rails in Andrew's shots. It's nice to put the underwater visuals to the feelings I get when Kumu locks into the curl and sucks to the wave.
A couple of land shots showing the curves of Kumu.
I included this pre-surf shot because of the writing on the big rock behind me. It says "Tom's Rock" which is ironic as I was inspired to make Kumu after my dad made a Wiliwili kiko'o with Tom 'Pohaku' Stone' in Hawaii one year. Pohaku means 'stone' in hawaiian.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tom and Joe

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
First Roll Of Film
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Kumu Love

I decided to call my board 'Kumu' which means 'teacher', as my motivation for making this board was to possibly experience something similar to what an ancient hawaiian might have experienced hundreds of years ago... and I was eager to learn. Since then I've surfed it at solid Bells Beach and Raglan NZ, as well as riding it in the Maldives. It's been a lot of fun.
To me, there's something inherently beautiful about a finless wood board... in the way they look, the simplicity of the outline and foil, and of course the grain patterns in the timber; but also in the way they move through the water. The wood has a natural resonance and feels alive on the wave. Kumu feels at home when the waves get bigger and more powerful, sucking to the wave and holding trim through sections.

Friday, January 8, 2010
Rainy Day Logging
Rainy day at Crescent from Tom Woods on Vimeo.
This is a little clip from my mate Tom Woods. Tom's usually shooting stills but as you can see he is multi - talented. Cheers Tom. Surfing by Jack Lynch, Brett Caller and myself.
In the Bay with Heath
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Summer Fun

Tom's a fan of swiming and taking water shots and he often gets some interesting angles. I can remember I was riding my "Cherry Fish" ( I called it that because it had a cherry coloured deck tint) which was an early Verve prototype... didn't get off that board for months.
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